Saturday, 24 July 2010

Abu Dhabi Dessert

Its been a long long while since the last blog... ( so here I am blogging about the things I should have done.

Went to Abu Dhabi in May, and needless to say I ate a lot and I mean a lot of good food!! Combined with sun, pool and sand... you really cant go wrong. We stayed at the Beach Rotana, where it housed many of the city's best restaurants. We particularly loved the Rosebuds Restaurant... cos it was buffet style... ahaha... and of course with any buffet hotel restaurants comes with it an extensive dessert selection!!!

Only a small selection of the desserts available.... I didn't have the stomach to try all of them, and cos they were not all labelled, I can only guess what some of desserts were.

Creme Caremel...yum yum....


This one was super yummy, a light fluffy vanilla cheesecake decorated with fresh fruit... I had two helpings!! ehehe

Lime Moouse Cake with a light freshly whipped cream on top, garnished with a cherry and chocolate stick.
Very tangy and refreshing dessert, a good twist on the lemon curd puddings you normally find.

Didn't have any stomach space to try these, these were strawberry and orange fool pots!!!

Eastern Sweets... Baklava.... Yum!!! ^^

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